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Ellen G. White

#71 The Loud Cry — 3 of 4

Children Proclaim the Message

Many, even among the uneducated, now proclaim the words of the Lord. Children are impelled by the Spirit to go forth and declare the message from heaven. The Spirit is poured out upon all who will yield to its promptings and, casting off all man’s machinery, his binding rules and cautious methods, they will declare the truth with the might of the Spirit’s power.—Evangelism, 700 (1895). {LDE 206.2}

When the heavenly intelligences see that men will no longer present the truth in simplicity as did Jesus, the very children will be moved upon by the Spirit of God and will go forth proclaiming the truth for this time.—The Southern Work, 66 (1895). {LDE 206.3}

The Ministry of Angels

The angels of heaven are moving upon human minds to arouse investigation in the themes of the Bible. A far greater work will be done than has yet been done and none of the glory of it will flow to men, for angels that minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation are working night and day.—Counsels to Writers and Editors, 140 (1875). {LDE 207.1}

There are many men in our world who are like Cornelius.... As God worked for Cornelius, so He works for these true standard-bearers.... They will obtain a knowledge of God as Cornelius did through the visitation of angels from heaven.—Letter 197, 1904. {LDE 207.2}

When divine power is combined with human effort, the work will spread like fire in the stubble. God will employ agencies whose origin man will be unable to discern. Angels will do a work which men might have had the blessing of accomplishing had they not neglected to answer the claims of God.—Selected Messages 1:118 (1885). {LDE 207.3}

World-wide Extent of the Proclamation

The angel who unites in the proclamation of the third angel’s message is to lighten the whole earth with his glory. A work of world-wide extent and unwonted power is here foretold.... Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given.—The Great Controversy, 611, 612 (1911). {LDE 207.4}

The message of the angel following the third is now to be given to all parts of the world. It is to be the harvest message, and the whole earth will be lighted with the glory of God.—Letter 86, 1900. {LDE 208.1}

When the storm of persecution really breaks upon us, ... then will the message of the third angel swell to a loud cry, and the whole earth will be lightened with the glory of the Lord.—Testimonies for the Church 6:401 (1900). {LDE 208.2}

In every city in America the truth is to be proclaimed. In every country of the world the warning message is to be given.—The General Conference Bulletin, March 30, 1903. {LDE 208.3}

During the loud cry the church, aided by the providential interpositions of her exalted Lord, will diffuse the knowledge of salvation so abundantly that light will be communicated to every city and town.—Evangelism, 694 (1904). {LDE 208.4}

A crisis is right upon us. We must now by the Holy Spirit’s power proclaim the great truths for these last days. It will not be long before everyone will have heard the warning and made his decision. Then shall the end come.—Testimonies for the Church 6:24 (1900). {LDE 208.5}

Kings, Legislators, Councils, Hear the Message

It does not seem possible to us now that any should have to stand alone, but if God has ever spoken by me, the time will come when we shall be brought before councils and before thousands for His name’s sake, and each one will have to give the reason of his faith. Then will come the severest criticism upon every position that has been taken for the truth. We need, then, to study the Word of God, that we may know why we believe the doctrines we advocate.—The Review and Herald, December 18, 1888. {LDE 209.1}

Many will have to stand in the legislative courts; some will have to stand before kings and before the learned of the earth to answer for their faith. Those who have only a superficial understanding of truth will not be able clearly to expound the Scriptures and give definite reasons for their faith. They will become confused and will not be workmen that need not to be ashamed. Let no one imagine that he has no need to study because he is not to preach in the sacred desk. You know not what God may require of you.—Fundamentals of Christian Education, 217 (1893). {LDE 209.2}

Many Adventists Brace Themselves Against the Light

There is to be in the [Seventh-day Adventist] churches a wonderful manifestation of the power of God, but it will not move upon those who have not humbled themselves before the Lord, and opened the door of the heart by confession and repentance. In the manifestation of that power which lightens the earth with the glory of God, they will see only something which in their blindness they think dangerous, something which will arouse their fears, and they will brace themselves to resist it. Because the Lord does not work according to their ideas and expectations they will oppose the work. “Why,” they say, “should we not know the Spirit of God, when we have been in the work so many years?”—The Review and Herald Extra, December 23, 1890. {LDE 209.3}

The third angel’s message will not be comprehended, the light which will lighten the earth with its glory will be called a false light, by those who refuse to walk in its advancing glory.—The Review and Herald, May 27, 1890. {LDE 210.1}


Arthur | (Paulo Rocha) Saúde

Cláudio | (Ruth) Saúde

Levi | Saúde

Luiz e Alejandro | Saúde

Marcos | Saúde

Pedro | (pastor) Saúde

Miguel | (Alex) Saúde

Pr. Ottoni | (pai da Marjorie) Saúde

Thalles | (Juan e Thais) Saúde

Mateus | Saúde

Sandra | (Joezel) Saúde

Isadora | Saúde

Inês | Saúde

Laurete | Saúde

Enock e Túlio | (Silas) Saúde

Nair | (Oliveira) Saúde

Tia Bia | Saúde

Lúcia | (vó Keyse) Saúde

Saul | (família Cruz) Saúde

Elisa | (família Aguiar) Saúde

Jorge | (Ever) Saúde

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